Pete is co-director of Euforic Services and was a Euforic Associate from 2007. Pete is an ICT, Communication and New Media specialist, with long experience as a facilitator and trainer. His early career was in international and UK education, working with adults and 16 -19 year olds. For the past 20 years he has worked in the 3rd sector, mainly in International Development, for a wide range of international and UK organisations, from the very large to the tiny.
A seasoned manager of organisational IS&T and ICT development programmes, he has worked since 2001 as an independent consultant supporting strategic planning, knowledge management, organisational communication, research and evaluation. Along with regular short-term facilitation assignments, larger assignments include strategy development with and local content exchange programmes; research into global social media trends, with special reference to health communications; and the impact of convergent mobile technologies in rural development. Since 2007 a significant proportion of his work has been taken up advising and training in web 2.0 technologies and interactive media, at both strategic and practical application levels, including in the field of eDiplomacy. Coming full circle, Pete’s main current focus is on KM within large organisations and their portfolios of projects.
A seasoned manager of organisational IS&T and ICT development programmes, he has worked since 2001 as an independent consultant supporting strategic planning, knowledge management, organisational communication, research and evaluation. Along with regular short-term facilitation assignments, larger assignments include strategy development with and local content exchange programmes; research into global social media trends, with special reference to health communications; and the impact of convergent mobile technologies in rural development. Since 2007 a significant proportion of his work has been taken up advising and training in web 2.0 technologies and interactive media, at both strategic and practical application levels, including in the field of eDiplomacy. Coming full circle, Pete’s main current focus is on KM within large organisations and their portfolios of projects.
Pier Andrea is co-director of Euforic Services and worked as project officer at Euforic from 2004. Pier Andrea is a knowledge sharing and online collaboration specialist. A skilled trainer and facilitator, he has been working for almost 10 years in international development and lately he has specialised on monitoring and evaluation of web site and web services and data and information visualization tools. Since 2005, he has worked on social media and collaborative tools, working with individuals, teams, organisations and networks to support them in the strategic use of digital technologies for effective communication and knowledge sharing. Additionally, he conducted evaluations of online networks, communities and groups, as well as capacity development projects and programmes. He lives and operates from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Rosamelia is a Communications and Project Management professional. She has worked as a journalist, writer, radio producer and communications consultant for several media organizations and development institutions. With an MA in International Leadership from Simon Fraser University, Canada, and a post-graduate diploma in International Management from Capilano University, Canada, she has held different positions at the Vancouver-based NGO IMPACS (Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society) working on issues related to media and peacebuilding in conflict countries. She was the Communications and Community Relations Coordinator for an eco-health project based at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and implemented in Ecuador. In 2008 Rosamelia was internationally recruited as the Communications Advisor for an IDRC funded program at the Chilean organization Latin American Centre for Rural Development (Rimisp). In 2010 Rosamelia moved back to Vancouver and since then she has been working as an independent consultant in communications, project development and project management.
Giorgio decided for his work to merge his two great passions: development cooperation and ICTs. After having studied Political Science in Italy, in 2010 he was awarded a scholarship to enrol in the MSc ICTs for Development at the University of Manchester, UK. After this specialization, in 2011-12 he was employed as ICT4D intern at CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development ACP-EU), in the Netherlands, and he begun working and volunteering in several institutions and NGOs in the same field. Having a strong sociological background, he is mostly interested in assessing the impact of technology on society, as well as understanding how technology can be adapted to the needs of different contexts. He worked as Social Media officer and adviser in the nonprofit sector, and wrote several essays and articles about Web 2.0 and social networking.
Hugo is a long standing Euforic Associate and continues to work with us in Euforic Services. Hugo's area is in organizing information, especially in agriculture and life sciences. He has been working with several development organisations and wrote his first input manual for FAO with a pen. He is doing his best to keep up with KS and all these new things, and was involved in the organisation of Euforic's first Web2.0 course. He is also part-time at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

Blane is a senior research and programme specialist. His recent work has studied how climate change knowledge is produced, validated and communicated, and how learning and knowledge sharing can support action on climate change in the global South. He is interested in the role of social learning in response to climate change, and on how community-based media can engage in action research and influence policy.

Rosien has worked with UNDP in the field and directed a Dutch NGO that funded capacity development and technical assistance of its 40+ NGO member organisations. In 2002 she transformed the organisation, restructuring monitoring processes and establishing a Knowledge Centre that worked with member organisations developing learning trajectories. As independent consultant she has conducted evaluations in the field of civil society development, women’s rights among other topics.
Christophe is a specialist in ICT, E-learning and education. He has worked for fifteen years as a teacher in high school and college. During these 15 years of teaching he was assistant coordinator of ICT projects in education in Burkina Faso for IICD. Christopher is now a researcher at the National Institute of Sciences Corporation (INSS) in Burkina Faso, temporary teacher at the University of Ouagadougou and consultant for several international organizations. He holds two masters in e-learning and life-long education. He is currently preparing his PhD in ICT and education at the Catholic University of Paris.
Tania is a Systems Engineer with experience in designing, piloting & implementing various knowledge management systems (e.g. Wikispaces, Google Applications and SharePoint). In 2010, she coordinated the case study and pilot of the Google Applications for CGIAR in which over 250 end-users participated. Following the pilot’s success, the Google Applications for Education was setup and online training (and some face-to-face) was delivered to staff in research centers. Today, this platform known internally as ‘CGXchange’ is still actively used in CGIAR Consortium and she's one of the platform administrators in charge of technical support and training.

Lucie has over 17 years of experience working in human rights and international development organizations. Her main expertise revolves around assisting organizations in the implementation or use of knowledge sharing techniques, such as online and face-to-face facilitation to support networks and communities. She has been involved in a variety of community design and facilitation trainings, including co-developing an online course for FAO. Lucie was the lead facilitator of the KM4Dev (Knowledge Management for Development) community from 2002 - 2010.
Viktor has 25+ years of experience in line, staff and consulting positions in private and public organisations. He is passionate about smart organizations, collective intelligence, gaming and simulation, synchronicity and servant leadership. A professional coach, Viktor is also chair of the Simulation and Gaming Association The Netherlands. He has consulted small and large private companies, educational institutes, (I)NGO's, the WorldBank and the UN. he is a guest lecturer on knowledge management at the University of Groningen and Nyenrode University and a guest speaker at the annual EFQM conference.
Vanessa is Communication Manager at CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Vanessa is interested in finding innovative ways to enhance the impact of environmental and agricultural research, by using a mix of approaches including policy engagement, online collaboration, social media, and face-to-face learning. She is currently working with Euforic Services to train international development professionals in using social media. As a communications specialist, she has worked with environmental and science-based organisations in Canada, Kenya and throughout Europe. Vanessa is originally from Toronto, Canada, and holds a master's degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia. She is currently based in Edinburgh.

James has 17+ years’ experience in rural information and communication initiatives, publications andrural development. He is the founding director of Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) which is operating a network of Maarifa centres in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in addition to production of information products for farmers and agropastoralists. James was selected an Ashoka Fellow, a global fellowship of leading social entrepreneurs in 2011 for his work in promoting ICTs through a network of Maarifa (Knowledge) centres in East Africa. He holds a MA, Strategic Communication from the University of Central Lancashire, Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer and a postgraduate diploma in Information Management amongst other trainings related to Information Technology.
Antonella is an information architect with experience in information and knowledge management system
design, implementation, evaluation, user research and training activities for the international research and development sector. The common thread across this varied experience is the relentless attention to what people need to do with the support of technology. She enjoys troubleshooting problems and designing solutions so that people can work and learn better.

John has over thirty years’ experience in community
development for a wide range of agencies in the UK and Africa. As a consultant, he has provided support to NGOs, bilateral and multilateral agencies, NGOs, commercial companies and community organisations. John provides training in participatory methods. He has been the team leader on a range of evaluations of large multi-country projects, has specialised in assessments of Value for Money and the design of new M&E systems.
Pippa is an independent consultant in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in international development, working with a broad range of organisations to address the inequities of access to basic services.
Pippa is an independent consultant in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in international development, working with a broad range of organisations to address the inequities of access to basic services.