
Friday, September 29, 2006

EADI InfoManagers meet at IDS workshop

From 27-29 September, Euforic members joined some 45 colleagues in the annual EADI Information Management Working Group (IMWG) conference hosted by IDS. Together with ELDIS we facilitated a workshop on 'web 2.0' and RSS feeds which, according to feedback was an "eye opener."

The sessions on research communication provided valuable insights about the relation between evidence based policies and research communication. A lively chat show presented experiences from professionals in the area of research communication over the years.

The participatory session on so-called ‘burning issues’ proved to be very useful in digging out in a condensed way issues such as funding of information and communication activites, and the role of communication professionals in policy oriented research.

Several presentations explained the concept of Open Access and its applications. Participants concluded that this requires a much stronger awareness among information producers (e.g. researchers and publishers) of the opportunities to enhance the free and easy availability of information plus a higher diversity of online resources.

Aged 30, the IMWG is a dynamic, innovative and forward looking group that is seen to provide valuable networking and learning opportunities for development information professionals.

See more event information at the EADI and IDS web sites; visit the Euforic/ELDIS blog on RSS feeds. Visit Euforic's information, knowledge, communication dossier.