
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Update on development management training from MDF

During the coming winter months MDF Training & Consultancy offers a variety of courses on Project Cycle Management (PCM) and relations with stakeholders, partners and organisations:

Project Cycle Management:

Participatory Planning

  • Project cycle management and prepare a logical framework, through a participatory planning process;
  • Relate the plan to a concise and transparent budget.

Monitoring of Development Interventions

  • Monitor projects, programmes and organisations, turning monitoring into a learning experience;
  • Design a logical, systematic, multi-layered monitoring system with participation of stakeholders.

Evaluation of Development Interventions

  • Organise and steer evaluations so its results contribute to policy formulation and learning capacity of individual projects or organisations;
  • Write comprehensive ToR for an evaluation and recommendations leading to positive adjustments in the projects.

Comprehensive Appraisal of Proposals

  • Framework for an approach for appraisal of proposals and a set of instruments. Proposals can come from NGO's (grants) or submitted by consultancy firms


  • Develop indicators on the intervention logic for operational management as well as for policy purposes;
  • Apply sector and thematic indicators.

Writing Winning Proposals

  • Understand the contents of a tender dossier, call for proposals and terms of reference;
  • Build up and write a successful project proposal.

Stakeholders, Partnerships, Organisations:

Multi-Stakeholder Planning Processes

  • Design and organise planning processes, levelling barriers between stakeholders who collaborate in development efforts

Managing International Partnerships

  • Learn how to create learning relationships with partners overseas;
  • Communicate difficult issues with partners.

Group Facilitation

  • Improve your personal interaction skills facilitating a group;
  • Understand the dynamics and techniques of participative group processes;
  • Learn methods and tools for participative decision making.

Organisational Development for Advisers and Consultants

  • Advisers and consultants learn how to design and guide an organisational learning process from the intake up to the implementation of change;
  • Understand and improve your own role and style as an adviser or consultant to tune them to the needs of the client organisation.
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