
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

IDS research on governance

Brussels, 15 November. During the European Development Days, we caught up with some members and other organizations working in Europe’s development. Clare Gorman of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) explained that Governance is a key research area for the Institute – focusing especially on the politics of state engagement and public action. IDS research on governance is undertaken mainly through two research groups: the Governance Team and the Centre for the Future State .

The Governance Team comprises political scientists, sociologists, lawyers and economists and cooperates with scholars and institutional partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America on cutting edge governance themes: state effectiveness; collective action and public policy; politics, law and rights; and security, conflict and fragile states.

A significant portion of the Team's research is carried out through the Centre for the Future State and its main thematic areas are the state and private investment, the politics of state capacity, collective action and service delivery. The main focus is on how public authority in developing countries can best be reshaped and reconstituted to meet the challenge of poverty reduction in the early decades of the 21st century.

Further, IDS is member of the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC), a joint initiative that supports the knowledge needs of the international development community in relation to governance, conflict and social development. Funded by the UK Department for International Development, the GSDRC aims to help reduce poverty by informing policymaking and enhancing professional knowledge and competencies.

More information can be found on euforic governance dossier.

Story contributed by Eduardo Rejón Parrilla.