
Friday, March 30, 2007

European Commission's report on coherence of policies in preparation

In May 2005, already, when discussing the EU contribution to the UN review of the Millennium Development Goals, the Council of Ministers committed itself to the implementation of the objectives contained in the Commission’s communication on Policy Coherence for Development dealing with areas of trade, Environment, Security, Agriculture, Fisheries, Social dimension of globalisation, employment and decent work, migration, research and innovation, Information society, transport and Energy as well as climate change. Later in that year, the European Consensus on Development was adopted confirming the attention to Policy Coherence for Development and taking a series of strong commitments in this respect. An important step in favour of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) was taken in October 2006 with the adoption of a rolling work programme on PCD for 2006-2007. The Council also adopted conclusions
on the way to better integrate PCD in its own decision making processes. Part of this rolling programme is the mandate given to the Commission to monitor progress made on the PCD Commitments including through the preparation of a biennial PCD report, the first of which to be issued in 2007. The aim of the report is to encourage the further development of PCD taking into account feedback from developing countries, civil society and European Parliament.

Source: EU NEWS - Issue 2, March 2007 (APRODEV, CIDSE, Caritas Europa).

See also Euforic dossier on coherence.