
Thursday, August 30, 2007

People from developing countries testify about the impact of Europe on their life

Source: CONCORD press release

The European Union is the biggest economic actor and aid donor in the world. What is its impact on developing countries and on the lives of the populations? How do people living in these countries really view the influence of Europe?

To find out, CONCORD is inviting people from developing and emerging countries to take photos illustrating how Europe positively or negatively influences their lives and their country. Any theme is allowed: environment, agriculture, migration, music, infrastructure, health, etc…people from developing countries will give free rein to their creativity and their imagination! Until 30th September 2007, their photos and comments will be posted directly onto the CONCORD website.

All photos will be displayed on the internet and until the end of September citizens from all over the world can vote via the website for their favourite 50 pictures. The 50 photos with the strongest messages will then form part of a travelling exhibition that will tour Europe for a number of years. The exhibition will also be shown in the EU institutions mid October.

This initiative has been launched by CONCORD, the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development, which campaigns to influence European decision-makers and public opinion to ensure that the impact of Europe in developing countries is positive, respectful and sustainable. Echos Communication, which strives for the recognition of cultural identity and equal exchanges, is supporting CONCORD in the implementation of this project.

This call has been organised on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union in 2007 and has received the financial support of the European Commission and the European Cultural Foundation.

For further information: Agnès Philippart: