
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Social reporting at the KM Impact Challenge

The KM Impact Challenge is a collaborative learning process that has brought together practitioners to describe and share their experiences in assessing their knowledge and learning initiatives. Over 70 practitioners from different fields of expertise attended the unConference that took place in Washington, DC, on May 5 and 6, 2011, to discuss these experiences and debate tools and approaches to measure the impact of KM activities.

Euforic Services worked with GDNet to provide coordination and support for the social reporting during the face-to-face event.

We started with a core team of 3 to 4 social reporters, but soon after the event started, many more joined in the effort by sharing their impressions, particularly via Twitter, and contributing to the digital footprint of the event #tag #kmimpact.

During the two days, we recorded some 30 video interviews with speakers and participants, capturing their stories, impressions and what they had been learning at the event. We also posted several updates on the KMIC blog, featuring some of the stories emerging from the different sessions and embedding videos and presentations shared. Lastly, we produced a daily summary of the highlights from the unConference, aggregating and curating the best of the social content produced by us and others around the event and publishing it online.

You can see more about the event on the KM Impact Challenge blog and read this post from Sophie Alvarez from CIAT where she reflects on the event and share her main takeaways.

You can stay connected with the KM Impact Challenge by joining the online community, conversing on Twitter (#KMImpact) and Facebook, and subscribing to the RSS Feed and email alert.