
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Time to deliver on Europe's international commitments

The EU must make its commitments to national ownership of development strategies a reality. This was the conclusion of an 8 November seminar organised by Eurostep focusing on the current aid planning processes being carried out for different parts of the world. The seminar, at which a report entitled We decide, you 'own'! was launched brought together civil society actors from Europe, Africa, South Asia and Latin America, as well as representatives from the European Commission, EU member States and ACP governments. Particular concern was expressed about the imposition by the Commission of governance criteria in country strategies that promote liberalisation of the economy. Developing countries must be left to make their own choices on approaches and strategies for development if ownership is to have any meaning

Source: Eurostep.

More information on the Euforic's ACP-EU cooperation dossier.