
Monday, January 15, 2007

Infohub role and services the focus of Van Leer Foundation study

As part of its efforts to disseminate the rich variety of knowledge, know-how and lessons learned in its projects, the Bernard van Leer Foundation runs an ‘infohub’ as part of a wider set of information management, knowledge sharing, and learning tools.

Between November 2006 and February 2007, Euforic staff worked with the Foundation to clarify the niche and services offered by the infohub, with a view to extending its impact and more effectively engaging with staff and projects. Extensive discussions with staff reveal rather complex information and communication demands and needs and the need for a holistic view on the various tools and services available to staff.

As part of the project, Foundation staff were introduced to a range of emerging ‘social’ applications on the web – wikis, blogs, rss and so on – that could be part of a renewed infohub strategy to document and share lessons and information across the Foundation.

The Bernard van Leer Foundation aims to enhance opportunities for young children (aged 0-8 years) growing up in circumstances of social and economic disadvantage, with the objective of developing their potential to the greatest extent possible. It currently supports around 280 projects in approximately 40 developing and industrialised countries. The Foundation joined Euforic in late 2006.