
Monday, January 07, 2008

Euforic web2share events in 2007

During 2007, Euforic greatly increased its 'web2share' training and awarenes activities. As well as the annual two-day event in Maastricht (with ECDPM), we held joint workshops with several of our members: CONCORD and CIDSE in Brussels, and a two day session with EADI in Bonn. We also provided a series of training sessions within organizations including NORAD (Norway), DCISM and the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies in Denmark, ISS, ICCO, the Bernard van Leer Foundation and ECDPM in the Netherlands, and CIDSE in Belgium.

The modular approach continued to be popular; we generally offer 3 modules:
  • A lunchtime awareness session (normally 1-1hr 30mins), covering the key elements of web2 and examples of its use in the international development sector;

  • A one day session (10am - 4pm), popular for NGO information managers wanting to get a complete overview with some hands-on;

  • Two days training course; in depth practical exploration of blogs, feeds, calendars, social bookmarking and wikis. Feed management, publishing and statistics are also covered.
Stay up-to-date with these activities! Subscribe to our web2 newsfeed, see our web2 dossier, check out the web2share wiki.

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