Source: EU News, January 2008
On 1 January, the Slovenian Government took over the EU presidency, whose priorities were to a large extent determined by the 18-month programme of the German, Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies. Hence, it is expected that the Slovenian presidency will build on its predecessors work and boost the effectiveness of current EU policies rather than proposing "endless initiatives."
Slovenia is inheriting a significant project initiated by Germany, that had used its political leverage to push through the EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy, aimed at rationalizing the number of EU donors present in a country and/or across sectors, according to donors’ "comparative advantage".
It would be big success for the EU, if the French Presidency starting in June could present a comprehensive and positive report, citing examples of successful implementation (Ghana, Vietnam) in the third high level forum in Accra. Until June, however, the Slovenian Government has committed to take forward several other issues as well. Read more...
For more information, please check the Slovenian Presidency website
See also the Euforic highlights on the EU Presidency