
Monday, March 31, 2008

Are we on the right track? Paradigm review by CSO's as development actors

Concord members and partners have developed many successful advocacy actions on the European level and increased their impact on policy making with regards to development and aid policies.

However the organisations need to cope with the changing world around them:

"Southern Civil Society is voicing up strongly; China, India and Brazil are emerging as regional and economic powers; donors change their funding patterns; new issues are coming into the development debate.

The European Union is evolving as well: after two phases of enlargement, the 27 member states will strengthen their common foreign policies to increase their impact at global level. The enlargement and the Lisbon Treaty have a direct impact on development policies and NGO's work."

Before defining CONCORD's next Strategic Plan the organisation wishes to reflect on and challange individual and collective approaches to development cooperation. Furthermore CONCORD and its partners what to create space for understanding in which way NGOs coming from the 'New Member States' can enrich these approaches. With this objectives in mind, together with TRIALOG, the Czech NGO Platform (FORS) and the Ecumenical Academy Prague Concord organises the Conference 'Are we on the right track? Paradigm Review by CSOs as Development Actors', to be held in Prague, 14-16 May 2008.

More information about the event and the terms of registration can be found on the Trialog website.

See CONCORD newsfeed and TRIALOG Information Service

See also Euforic newsfeeds on Civil Society Cooperation and Europe and its Neighbours