
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Danish Government Development Assistance 2009-2015

The Danish Government recently released two policy papers dealing with the future course of Danish Development Assistance, from 2009 until 2015. The general message is that Denmark aims to continue consolidating its priorities and target areas, mainly democracy assistance, gender and women’s rights, and HIV/AIDS.

This includes further reorganization towards fewer but larger donations, directed towards established and experienced multilateral organizations, a strong focus on Africa (One exception is the increasing support to Afghanistan) with the overall policy goal of poverty reduction.

Since Denmark aims to increase its strategic influence on key development actors, smaller contributions to multilateral organizations will be phased out. Furthermore allocations to countries which are not LDCs will consequently be reduced. Food security is added as a new focal area which goes along with increased contributions to the IFAD.

Denmark remains committed to a strong partnership approach with recipient countries and to the international aid effectiveness framework.

See the policy papers on Multilateral Development Cooperation and Danish Bilateral Aid

See also the recent reports of the OECD and Commitment to Development Report

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