
Monday, April 07, 2008

TRIALOG 2.0: using a blog to disseminate news

The Trialog Project aims to strengthen development cooperation through the full integration of development NGOs from New EU Member States and EU Accession Countries into CONCORD and other European networks.

Trialog activities include capacity building and training for members of NGDOs, support for the creation and strengthening of national platforms and their integration into CONCORD, and networking to strengthen cooperation between key actors in the field as well as policy and advocacy activities.

After participating in several CONCORD/Euforic web2share events in the course of 2007, TRIALOG staff embraced web2.0 tools, turning its newsletter, the Trialog Information Service, into a blog.

This way, not only the content is more accessible, it is also easier to share and disseminate.

Anita Bister, Trialog's Communication Officer reflects on their experiences:

Subscribe to the Trialog blog; See Euforic newsfeed, dossier and wiki on web 2.0.