
Friday, November 16, 2007

The aid agenda in 2008

Source: Concord Flash 46, October 2007

Aid issues will be very prominent on the international donors’ agenda in 2008 with the organisation of the Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra (September 2008) and the possible Follow-up Conference on Financing for Development (FFD) in Doha at the end of the year. 2008 thus offers good political momentum for keeping up the pressure on European member States to deliver on their aid commitments.

The Third High-Level Forum in Accra will take stock of the implementation of the so-called Paris Declaration. The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, agreed in March 2005, establishes global commitments for donor and recipient countries to support more effective aid in the context of a significant scaling-up of aid. The intention is to reform the delivery and management of aid in order to improve its effectiveness. The Paris Declaration specifies indicators, timetables and targets for actions by donor and partner governments and has an evolving agenda for implementation and for monitoring progress, up to 2010.

Regarding the FFD process, it has been agreed to hold a follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development in Qatar. Though the official agenda is not yet very clear, the Doha conference is likely to be a review of implementation so far but with no aim to re-open the Monterrey consensus or to agree on new commitments.

In the context of its Aid Watch Initiative, CONCORD organised the annual European Aid Watch seminar. Aid watchers from all the European member States met in Brussels on 3 and 4 October to evaluate their collective work (European Aid Report, media actions and campaigning) in the first half of 2007, to discuss issues regarding the quality
and quantity of aid and to plan mobilisation and actions for 2008. Aid Watchers will work collectively on EU aid effectiveness and on influencing the EU’s common position in Accra, and a third European aid report (on the quantity and quality of aid) is also due to be published.


For further information contact Ester Asín Martínez or take a look at the Better Aid campaign website

See also Euforic's dossiers on civil society and aid effectiveness