According to the authors, 2007 was a milestone for the institutionalisation of Slovak Development Assistance with the incorporation of the Slovak Agency for International Cooperation (Slovak Aid) and the Slovakian Act on ODA, which became effective in 2008.
The report acknowledges a shortfall in the long-term commitment to achieve the ODA target of 0,33% by 2015. Currently the volume is stagnating, which is explained by low allocations to bilateral ODA and a rapid GDP growth.
Programme assistance is provided to Serbia and Montenegro. Sectoral aid goes to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Belarus, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Kenya. Priority areas are the development of democratic institutions and market environments, infrastructure, landscaping, environmental protection, agriculture and food security.
For 2008, Slovak Aid will concentrate on cooperation with other donors (mainly the Austrian Development Agency, European Commission, UNDP) and the application for EC funds with an emphasis on development education and awareness raising. Additionally, Slovak Aid committed itself to continue strengthening its institutional framework as well as improving the coherence, aid effectiveness and monitoring of Slovak ODA.
by Martin Behrens
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