
Sunday, November 16, 2008

European Development Days: A rough guide

The European Development Days (EDD08) are underway in Strasbourg with over 55 events crammed into 3 days, a development village of 116 stands and over 1000 participants. Tracking everything that is happening is a little difficult, but here is your quick guide (or try the full programme).

The key themes fall into six areas:
  • Media and Development
  • Decentralised cooperation
  • Development cooperation new issues
  • Local governance
  • Millenium Development goals
  • Youth and education
Bernard Petit introduces the concept and the background to the meeting.

As part of the events on Media and Development the Lorenzo Natali Grand Prize for 2008 was awarded to Larisse Houssou, a journalist from Benin, for his article on Darfur entitled "Trained to kill...".

Media and development has been a key part of the whole meeting with numerous teams reporting on the event, both European broadcasters such as TV5monde and African journalists supported by CTA.

A series of parallel panel discussions have focussed on the role of the media and development and Tumi Makgabo an indepent producer, who worked with Inside Africa for CNN had some interesting insights to share.

Decentralised cooperation discussions and events have covered the twinning of towns from Europe with those in developing countries. Mayors from around the world exchanged experience of local development activities through international networks. The development village contains stands from a number of regions in europe with development activities around the world. The President of the mayoral association of francophone africa and a Mayor from Cameroon tell more on

New issues for development cooperation
came to the fore as the plenary focussed on the impact of the global financial crisis. The challenges were matched by the opportunities for development apparent on the myriad of stands from organisation working with development who all had a story to tell of succesful results or promising projects. Some euforic members give their examples.

Local governance
and the role of new actors, was tackled in a parallel session organised by EDC2010 with discussions on the role of new countries working in Africa dominating the debate.

Progress towards the Millenium Development Goals was reviewed in the session "Where do we stand and where do we need to go?"
Engaging youth
in the event has been more a part of the event than in previous years, with a young reporters team from Plan International covering the event and YARD Young Ambassadors for Rural Development.

You can hear more from Plan International and the Global Donor Platform about this project on

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